Los Angeles, California


We are passionate about web development and are always creating innovative applications and launching web startups.

ZehnerGroup is a leading team of designers and web developers based out of Los Angeles, CA. We are passionate about web development and work to deliver the best solutions possible. Our designers pride themselves …

Odessa, Ukraine

Eugen Chubchik


  • Over 12 years of experience in the IT industry.

  • Over 7 years of experience in PosgreSQL Design/Operation and database development.

  • Over 12 years of hands-on experience in PHP / MySQL development.

  • Over 5 years of an experience in Python development.

  • Experience in development of CRM and Financial applications.

    SKILLS …

Berlin, Germany

Fabian Neumann

Allround web developer (since 2002, Django since mid-2007) looking for interesting django projects, cooperations with design/webdev studios or freelance jobs to work on.

Remote working/telecommuting preferred.

For more information and references have a look at my djangopeople profile and my portfolio:

  • http://fabianneumann.de/#portfolio
  • http://www.sturzbach.de/portfolio/
Bengaluru, India


I have experience in Developing Python web Applications using Django and the following related technologies:

  • Django Rest Framework
  • Asynchronous task processing using Celery and RabbitMQ
  • PostregSQL Database
  • Time series database management using InfluxDB
  • Data Visualization using Grafana
  • Front End development using HTML5,Bootstrap,Javascript and jQuery
  • Linux Platform 
  • Brussel, Belgium


    I'm using Django and Python since 2007. Prior experience is focused on database development SQL Server, Mysql, PostgreSQL; web scripting languages PHP and ASP and othe programming langages Visual Basic, C+, Java… Primary development is for eCommerce, money trasfer, and secure maintenance of company data. On the side, I'm building …

    Peoria, Illinois

    Travis Nickles

    I have been a Python developer for around 4 years. My first projects written in Python were written when I was part of The Linux Link Tech Show's Python Study Group back in 2007. The best program that I was involved with over that summer was YouTubed-2x; the program was …

    Santander, España


    I've been a Django developer for several years now, I know the framework internals and the huge ecosystem around django and python.

    That knowledge helped me to work in awesome projects with people from all around the world.

    I've been working as a CTO in startups from Spain and other …

    Amsterdam, The Netherlands


    I am an experienced software architect and developer of web applications written in Java and Python. Through my strong theoretical background I know a bit about everything, and my years of experience ensure that I know everything about web application development.

    I strongly believe in clear and focused communication; not …

    Salt Lake City, UT

    Protoven, LLC

    The guys behind Musicpeeps.com!

    12 django projects under our belts. 3+ years using django. 10+ years writing Python. 4 full-time Django Devs on staff. User Interface Designer on staff.

    Also experienced with Lighttpd, fastcgi, wsgi, Apache, mod_python, mod-wsgi, Google APIs including maps and docs, JQuery, JQueryUI, Y! UI, Prototype, Scriptaculous, …

    New York

    Digital Mind

    Python/Django web development and Machine Learning.

    We're creating websites and web applications(with components of AI and Machine Learning) for individuals and startups.

    San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina

    Gonzalo Delgado

    I'm an efficient developer skilled in Python in general and Django in particular.

    I know my way around VCSs and am very familiar with sysadmin tasks.

    Also, I'm quite good with stylesheets (CSS)

    Kampala, Uganda

    Useremit. Com

    I have more than three years in django python development. I develop. Any kind web application in django. I also integrate systems with django using rest framework. Besides django I also know web development using php. I also have the whole of c and c++ codes in my head. I …

    , Türkiye


    DjangoTurkiye is the first Python/Django developing company in Turkey.

    We have worked with many different clients. We can support your projects with our well experienced and reliable team. Please find the list of clients below.















    +905344508998 …

    Tegucigalpa, Honduras


    We are a company dedicated to software development especially in django. We use a variety of front-end and back-end frameworks to master any web application.

    Berlin, Germany

    Stefan George

    Web development since 2006 and Django development since 2008. Developed Video on Demand search portal (KINO1.TO), poker analysis software and paper reviewing portal as django applications. Visit my website for links to references and cv.

    Additional Skills: iOS programming. Enrolled in Master’s program in IT-Systems Engineering, HPI, Potsdam, Germany.

    , Ukraine

    Mikhail Kashkin

    8 years of web python development, Plone Foundation member for several years, open source projects contributor.


    • Full Web2.0 technology stack (HTML/JS/Semantic web/JSON/etc);
    • DBMS Postgres/MySQL/ZODB;
    • Mercurial/Subversion

    Looking for long term projects in global team, <3 highload systems.

    Full CV http://www.xen.ru/cv/

    Yogyakarta, Indonesia


    Idmetafora is web development based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

    Our Service:

    Web DesignE-CommerseApotek Management System Web BasedAnd Other

    Bath, United Kingdom

    Dan Hilton

    Freelance developer with experience of:

    • Geodjango
    • Directory based sites
    • Pinax
    • Custom app design
    • Data mining
    • Widgets

    Based in Bath, UK.