26 JUL 2018

Python/Django developer (remote): Frontend and backend development for VOD website

Who we are:

We are a Berlin-based B2B VOD provider, offering on-demand solutions to the film industry since 2004. 

What we are looking for:

We are currently looking for looking for an experienced freelance Django/Python developer to set up a B2C VOD platform for public libraries. Front end design has been completed and needs to implemented and integrated into our existing backend. 

Tech specs:

Below you can find the tech we work with in our various stacks:

- [webpack 4](https://webpack.js.org/)

- [SCSS](http://sass-lang.com/)

- [SassDoc](http://sassdoc.com/)

- [stylelint](https://stylelint.io/)

- [JavaScript/ECMAScript 6](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript)

- [xo](https://github.com/xojs/xo)

- [jQuery 3](https://jquery.com/)

- [Foundation 6](https://foundation.zurb.com/)


This is a short-term freelance position. The timeframe for implementation is short so we are looking for somebody who can commit to full-time hours for a limited time period. Applicants can work remotely and will communicate directly with our CTO and frontend designer. 

Daily rate:


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