9 APR 2018
Python Developer in Bristol
Join a team who are committed to the best work
Omni Digital is looking for a confident Python developer. The start date is flexible but the position is currently open.
The salary will be commensurate with experience, and will be pro-rata. The job offers the opportunity to work from home for one day per week.
About You
You will need to be able to work quickly and proficiently with Python, and experience with Django is preferable.
Experience in a broad range of programming languages and technologies is desirable, but not necessary.
An openness to new technologies, and a 'right tools for the job' approach is mandatory.
If you have experience in front-end technology this will be a bonus, but is not a requisite for the role, as we have a dedicated position filled for front-end and design. Plus, we do very little client-side development at all - an unfashionable position and one you would be welcome to question us on at your interview.
You will be committed to best practices and be able to work as part of a team. A passion for open source technology is essential, and ideally you will have experiencing in open-sourcing your own code.
Although generally you will not be dealing with clients on a day-to-day basis, we do ask that you are able to talk to clients when necessary.
You’ll also have your own interests that we’d like you to share with the team. Ideas for our days out, new business venture proposals (no matter what field or industry), improvements to our workflows, new tech talks, etc - all welcome.
About Us
We are a mature company (16 years!) with an experienced dev team. We build products, systems and applications primarily in Python and using Django, but utilise other technologies such as Javascript, Node, and GoLang where appropriate. We believe in the right tools for the job, not one hammer for every problem.
Our infrastructure stack consists of modern tooling such as Ansible for the management of server configuration, with some ongoing experiments with Hashicorp Vault and Terraform.
We do primarily service clients, however our approach is to create open-source products that the clients’ work is built upon rather than treating every client project as a new job.
We have two of our own products under development, which we are looking to release to the market in the Summer. Our aim is to make our products become our primary source of income.
Our clients span public, private and charity sectors, and all expect the very best service from us. The NHS is an important client to us, and a recent project we worked on is: bnssgccg.nhs.uk.
For instance within the context of News & Media, we have produced NLP systems for the recognition of distinct entities, constructed highly concurrent web crawlers and have used machine learning to identify the quotes that journalists take down in interviews.
We are committed to only hiring the best people, and in return we offer a flexible working relationship, in a nice office environment, with the usual perks such as regular team away days.
We try not to fall into agency cliches, and we also try and avoid bullsh*t in all our work and our communications. Hence no ‘Ninja rockstar developer’ job titles.
Our team is efficient, but small. We take pride in our efficiency but are looking to grow sensibly. You will be a part of a team of four back-end developers, one front-end designer-developer, and one person who deals with the clients and runs the Agile sprints.
Omni operates on a primarily flat hierarchy, we do not have account managers, business development managers, traffic managers or any of the other trappings of the stereotypical Digital Agency. Decisions around technology are lead by the dev team, our direction is planned and executed by the team as a whole.
We are based in one of the most beautiful and historic areas of Bristol: the Underfall Yard. We all enjoy having the opportunity to walk along the water in our breaks and appreciate our surroundings.
As a business Omni is dedicated to ethical and sustainable practices and are in the final stages of qualifying for B Corps certification.
The Work Involved
The role will largely see you focused on back-end development in Python.
Specifically, the work will involve, but will not be not exclusive to:
- Building systems in Python and Django
- Integrating HTML flats prepared by our template designer / frontend developer
- Testing - unit and function testing, as well as smoke tests and peer review
- Any training for new or existing staff in back-end technologies
- Research and development
You will be working 40 hours per week with paid lunch.
How to Apply
To apply, please email contact@omni-digital.co.uk with a ONE PAGE C.V.