Ronnie Beltran

I am a Python Backend Developer. 

I have years of professional experience in banking industry doing application development and support.

My work revolves around backend development on top of Google Cloud Platform using Python. I have implemented REST APIs with Google Cloud Endpoints and backed by Google Cloud Datastore, these apis are then consumed by our frontend applications. I have working knowledge developing on Google cloud technologies. We integrate Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system into Gmail for Salespeople to boost their productivity and sales. CRMs including Sugar6 and Sugar7, Highrise CRM and Salesforce. I also do bug fixes reported by users, unit testing, and custom feature requests.


  • Python / Webapp2 / Django
  • JavaScript
  • HTML & CSS
  • SugarCRM, Highrise and SalesforceCRM integrations.
  • Data modeling and Building APIs
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • App Engine 
  • NDB datastore
  • Cloud Endpoinnts
  • Cloud Storage

I am open to Python developer related role or Freelance/Remote work.

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