Ramesh Chakali
Ø Having 4+ Years of experience in software design, development, implementation and maintenance of applications using Python, Django, PHP, MySQL, HTML, JQuery, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, Ajax, and Elastic Search (Search Engine).
Ø Experience on Codeigniter Framework.
Ø Implemented Redis Cache server for data storage and fetching data quickly.
Ø Implemented ClearTrip API and HotelsPro APIs for hotel integration and Sabre API for Flight integration.
Ø Knowledge on Object Oriented Programming.
Ø Worked on WordPress websites.
Ø Very good working knowledge on MVC Architecture.
Ø Experience in working with WAMP (Windows, Apache, MYSQL, and PHP), XAMPP and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) Architecture.
Ø Database management skills using MySQL. Experience of writing secure SQL for PHP applications.
Ø Developed different Json and XML based web services.
Ø Experienced in using version control system like SVN.
Ø Integrating of the Payment Gateways like PayUBiz, Tech Process, Razor Pay and Stripe.
Ø Worked on handling Instant load balance at server and Database level.
Ø Customized the FPDF library for Invoice, reports, Pay Slips, and PDF generations.
Ø Has the motivation to take independent responsibility as well as ability to contribute and be a productive team member.