
Hi! My name is Neyvis and nowadays I work as a Front end web-developer. I have two experienced years on this and also making web sites work in mobile devices. I'm currently looking for interesting projects, telecommuting would work fine for me. I started doing freelance as a 100% job because I wanted to test myself as an agile developer, able to meet the demands of real customers in the shortest possible time. Before working freelancer I spent some time in a double roll as lecturer at a Latin-American university. As a lecturer, I taught software management and artificial intelligence for several semesters in the pre-grad program.

From 2011 I have been doing web programing full time with HTML (5), css(3)/SCSS , SASS, Responsive design, Twitter Bootstrap (2 and 3), Javascript, JQuery, databases and Python+Django.


As Web Developer:

  •  Front-end: HTML & CSS (OOCSS) , JavaScript (OOP, AJAX & DOM), JQuery, Bootstrap.

  •  Control Systems: Git.

  •  Operating Systems: Linux & Window.

  •  Software Development Methodology: RUP, OpenUp, XP.

  •  CASE tools: Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm.


  •  Experience working remotely.

  •  Responsive front-end web development

  •  Twitter and Facebook API.

  •  Translate PSD to cross-browser HTML template.

  •  Web deployments, Performance enhancements.

  •  Haystack (whoosh)


 Finished Projects:







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