Lucid Studios, LLC

Lucid Studios is a small software development shop specializing in developing high end applications for the web and mobile, specifically on Django and Android. We can help you with most of your development needs, including: Web Design, Web Application Development, Android Development, Code Review, and Scalability/Performance consultation. 

Our Standard Django Stack:

  • Django + Django Rest Framework
  • PostgreSQL
  • Memcached
  • Gunicorn
  • Backbone.js
  • HTML5 & LessCSS (or Sass)
  • Coffeescript and jQuery
  • Git

We are always looking to help businesses improve their products, and if you think we can assist you, or just want to chat, feel free to visit or send an email to We look forward to working with you!

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Note: We don't store or keep your messages, they are sent directly to Nathan Hefner. You will recieve a copy of your message in your inbox, and all replies from Nathan Hefner will go straight to you.