Johannes Maron

Work Experience

2018–today CTOvoiio

2014–2018 Team Lead Software EngineeringThermondo

2012–2015 Founder & ManagingVeerkant

2012–today Creator & Maintainer (Open Source), MusicBeam

2011–2014 IT-Systems Consultant (Freelancer), IVT, Cabig, FZBBMedia

2013 Consulting Design ThinkerB.A.U.M.HPI School of Design Thinking

2012 Quality Engineer (Freelancer), Telekom Innovation Laboratories

2009–2011Systems AdministratorHasso Plattner 


2011–2012 Advanced Design ThinkingVNR AGHPI School of Design Thinking

2011 Basic Design ThinkingBreuninger StiftungHPI School of Design Thinking

2008–2013 IT-Systems EngineeringHasso Plattner Institut, University of Potsdam

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