
We are an agile development team!

Web4Py is a small agile web/mobile development team. We have the web backend/frontend developers and mobile (ios/android) app developers. We are proficient in python / django web development with strong web front-end development skills, such as html / css / javascript / jquery / bootstrap / backbone.js etc. We have a large number of real-world experience on cloud service platform usage, such as AWS / heroku / GAE. We provide professional, efficient, high-quality, one-stack, customer-oriented development, training and consulting services. We both love programming and good at communication. We would like to help customers to build successful applications.

Service Description

  • Web application development
  • Web scraper with restful API
  • Mobile(iOS, android) application development and restful api
  • Web development training, consulting
  • Mobile(iOS, android) development training, consulting

Our Members
Jeffrey Hu

Python/django web develop expert.

Mingyu Gu

Talented web front-end developer.

Xiang Fang

Senior mobile applicaiton developer! Proficient in iOS, Android and more!

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Note: We don't store or keep your messages, they are sent directly to Jeffrey Hu. You will recieve a copy of your message in your inbox, and all replies from Jeffrey Hu will go straight to you.