Henrique Barroso
Hello, my name is Henrique Barroso, I’m 28 years old, I am web developer from Portugal.
My experience goes back to 2001 when I first enter the enterprise world as a ASP developer. Even tough I had some C/C++ Java background. Soon enough I was involved in other technologies such as PHP (version 3 back then) and mySQL. And I pretty much nailed it since I’ve worked with PHP over the last years. Currently I only code in PHP over MVC frameworks, such as Codeigniter.
Lately I’m more involved with a (in my opinion) more robust and OOP oriented languages, such as Ruby and Python and with theirs MVC frameworks, and with the best javascript frameworks. (jQuery, Scriptaculous).
So what am I ?
I like to think of myself as a technology enthusiast, since I like to learn new skills and adapt myself to the current technology and world. I really hate the feeling of being outdated, so I try as best as I can to keep up.