Drake Frank

Spent 5 years doing aerospace engineering before makemigrations -> migrate over into being a full-fledged software developer. My roots in programming were always data-driven application (aircraft stress analysis) so python was a logical choice when it came to picking a language. Subsequently, the flexibility and extensibility of Django made it a logical choice when it came to harnessing python as a powerful tool to create websites/web-apps and link them to my favorite DB (Postgres) in a robust, intuitive manner.

Currently, I have 5 years of experience with python and javascript, 4 years with Django and Postgres, and 3 years of Angular along with a splash of experience in React and Vue.

A more valuable metric than any of these, however, would be my capacity to analyze and learn new tools, frameworks, and systems of design in order to solve an ever-expanding set of new problems that present themselves to both myself and the companies that employ me.

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