São Paulo, Brazil

Bruno Gola

Developer and Sysadmin. Experience with Python, Django, GNU/Linux and Ruby on Rails.

Vitoria, Brazil

Moreno Cunha

I'm a software developer with (+8 years) significant experience in Django/Python web framework, cutting-edge JavaScript frameworks and a pinch of front-end (http://www.morenopc.com/#resume).

In my previous projects I both had opportunities to build an idea from scratch until the launch as to join the team and develop a specific solution (http://www.morenopc.com/#portfolio). …

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Diogo Baeder

Developer mainly interested in Python and JavaScript. Lover of Django and jQuery. Also very interested in other techs like NodeJS, Erlang, PyQt etc.

, Brazil

Ivan Rocha

I have been using Python since 2006 and I started working on web applications in 2009, using Django. I have experience with Ajax, JQuery, MySQL and some CSS. I have worked using Scrum.

Brasília, Brazil

Flávio Luiz Mendes

I have some experience whith django, symfony, zend framework and rails.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


I have a large experience with python development, specially with PyGTK and Django. I am currently a full-time senior systems analyst at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and i spend a quite big time of my weekend helping open source projects. But i think that now is time to use some …

Paulo, Brazil

Trianguli Free Software

I am free software and Python/Django developer. If you wish know more, please visit my website.

Florianópolis, Brazil


Complete apps with Django and jQuery.

, Brazil



Sao Paulo, Brazil


Trabalho com Django desde a versão 0.91, com Python desde o ano de 2005. Criei sistemas para TIM, Toyota e Vivo utilizando o framework Django.

Fortaleza, Brazil


django developer try start a freelancer carreer.

Caxias Do Sul, Brazil

Rafael Campos de Bastiani

Curso faculdade de Analise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, meus conhecimentos com Python e Django são de um autodidata, desenvolvi meu blog rfdev.org do zero no qual tenho como base meus conhecimentos, boa parte do que sei esta em forma de artigos no blog, gosto muito do Django e Python e …

São Carlos, Brazil

Henrique Romano

I'm a self-taught programmer with five years of experience on development of web sites and desktop applications for Linux.

Rio, Brazil

Henrique Bastos

I'm a passionate software developer engaged in the FLOSS and Python community. I work as CTO at Myfreecomm developing financial software using Agile methods, Python and Django.

São José dos Campos, Brazil

Felipe Ferreri Tonello

I'm a Senior Software Engineer with large experience in C, C++ and Python development under Linux environment for web, desktop and embedded systems. I love mathematics and algorithms, which makes me a strong candidate if you requires good skills in solving problems and challenges.

João Pessoa, Brazil


I'm working with Django since August, 2008 at SODA Virtual (www.sodavirtual.com) and studing Internet Systems at IFPB (Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba) since 2008.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


I'm a 27 year old brazilian that works with django for 3 years and with developing since I was 19.

I've developed websites of huge magazines in brazil like:http://revistacasaejardim.globo.com/http://revistagloborural.globo.com/

That was my last non-personal jobs.

Now I'm working for myself and here as a freelancer to make some money.

Recife, Brazil

Vinta Software

Vinta is a team of software consultants and developers prepared to turn digital ideas into market-ready products. Among the companies that benefit from our software are some well-established tech giants, like Airbnb, Salesforce, and Shopify.

Vinta supports businesses in realizing and scaling their software aspirations. For that, we like to …

Campo Grande, Brazil


I'm a web developer, and working with PHP, C#, Python/Django.