Anthony Roberts

Technology Consultant for the Nebraska News Service (NNS), an education and outreach specialist position at the University of Nebraska College of Journalism and Mass Communications.

Accomplishmets over the past 2 years include:

  • Increasing the number of clients by 50%
  • Increasing the number of clients prepared to publish NNS video content from 0 to 58
  • Developed and deployed a web application that manages NNS clients and content distribution

Using a Vagrant installation of Ubuntu on a virtual machine, running on both Mac and Windows hosts, means I'm up and running anywhere fast. I use Git for version control and to contribute open source. I work with clients to develop solutions for online delivery of their content, providing video production training, HTML training, Adobe Creative Suite training, and social media integration strategies. I've also produced original video content on daily deadlines, including live streaming video sports programing, After Effects animated video graphics, audio, and flash-animated interactive graphics. Experienced as a graphic artist and as an Interactive advertising designer.

The "News Service in a Box" open source web application for the Nebraska News Service, uses the following technologies:

  • Python
  • Django
  • Celery
  • Redis
  • Fabric
  • South
  • Heroku
  • PostgreSQL
  • Amazon S3 for static files
  • Amazon SES for sending emails
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • JavaScript libraries and frameworks, including jQuery, Node, and D3
  • Vagrant and Chef

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