Aaron Krill

I am a Python/Django developer based out of Seattle, WA. With 8 years python, 2-3 years Django development experience, combined with 6 years customer service, user interface development, and linux systems administration experience, I bring to the table a unique set of skills that would benefit any development project. My special skills include project management and the ability to think outside the box when solving problems and getting the customer what they want.

My design philosophy is quite the reverse of what was considered the norm for so long. When tackling a project, many developers immediately start thinking code… I don't. Instead I look at project goals, including what features the final product will have and what kind of extensibility will be required. From there I design my code to conform to project needs, instead of conforming the project to code needs.

For an example of my work, please visit my django-powered website at krillr.com (work-in-progress). You can find my django-oriented resume at http://static.krillr.com/files/resume-django.pdf

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