16 JUN 2015

Amendment to existing iGROWFIT Fitness Portal

iGROWFit Portal helps you to book anytime anywhere any fitness class in Singapore.Different users on iGrowFit are as below1. Super Admin2. HR Manager3. Studio Manager4. Employee Roles of Admin User1. Create all types of user2. Create studio and its settings3. Create client Package with its settings4. Admin can run the script to create class schedules5. Admin can the run the script to create new usersHR Manager1. HR Manager can see the statistics of package usage.2. HR Manager can see the individual usage of package3. HR Manager can disable the employees left from organization4. HR Manager can add new employeeStudio Manager1. Reject or accept the class.2. Can see the statistics about package bought3. Reject or approves booking if the booking is after the quota limit4. Bookings are auto approved within the quotaEmployee1. Book the class2. Cancel the classEach Employee user is assigned a Maximum Quota and concurrent Quota LimitIt means Maximum Quota is max no of sessions one employee can book until Package expiryConcurrent Quota limit is No of sessions employee can book at a timeAmendment List:1: Most Important Amendment is to allow user to book the class until 4 hours before.(eg. Last permissible booking for class at 5th June 2015 8pm will be until 5th June 2015 4pm)2: Consolidated list of all the classes booked for one studio should be sent out to Studio at midnight.3:iGROW has decided for now to include only class booking in capacity and above capacity employees will not be entertained for class booking so there will be no emails going for pending confirmation and approval/Rejection.4:Migration of code on iGROW Server as now project is not launched

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