24 NOV 2014

Full-Time Remote Django Web Developer - Contractor

Caktus is a team of sharp web developers and designers who build high quality web applications. We are based in Durham, NC and we love collaborating on projects with our clients, who range from small non-profits (State Educational Technology Directors Association) to universities (UNCUChicago) and large organizations (UNICEFMozilla, and CBS). We especially enjoy education and health focused work. Our passion is creating high quality, custom products. And we do it well. 

We are looking for an experienced Django Web Developer to work on a contract basis who enjoys working on a team and is excited to work on new and diverse projects. We would like to develop a long term relationship with someone who has up to 40 hours per week available throughout 2015. Remote work is acceptable. Caktus may request an initial on-site visit to meet the team and become acquainted with the project.

We’ve enjoyed collaborating with our clients on these projects recently:

  • Libya SMS Voter Registration: Caktus helped develop the world's first SMS voter registration system using Python/Django.
  • PyCon 2015: The large, annual Python community conference that Caktus is actively involved with.
  • Epic Allies: The Epic Allies HIV medication adherence mobile app/game we're building in collaboration with Duke and UNC Chapel Hill.
  • Commodity Tracking System (CTS): Caktus lead development of the International Rescue Committee’s aid shipment tracking web application.
  • Duckling: The best part of conferences? The people. Duckling is a web app created to help encourage networking and organizing small group outings during conferences. 
  • Also visit our Dribble and Flickr accounts to see Caktus in action!

As a Django Web Developer, you will:

  • Work collaboratively with the development team to get a feel for and learn about the Caktus development process
  • Clone Git and Mercurial code repositories and configure development environments running Django projects
  • Model and implement intricate data structures relational databases such as PostgreSQL
  • Create, implement and edit Django templates with compliant HTML5/CSS3 and use LESS/SASS to organize and make CSS easier to manage
  • Help setup and run projects in production environments on Linux (Debian-flavor) with Nginx, Gunicorn, RabbitMQ, Celery, Redis and other tools frequently deployed alongside Django web apps
  • Write complex Django apps following client specifications while maintaining a high level of unit test coverage to catch and prevent feature regressions
  • Deploy your changes to development servers frequently so clients see progress and feel connected to the process
  • Perform code reviews and use the gitflow branching model to stay in sync with the team
  • Follow agile development methodologies and take part in weekly team scrums and standup meetings

Caktus is looking for a professional Django Web Developer who:

  • Enjoys working on a small team and is excited to make highly customized web apps
  • Has experience working as an independent contractor
  • Has a strong grasp of Django development techniques and always stays on top of the latest development best practices and tools

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